The eCig Store

SMOK – TFV8-T8 baby Coils

SMOK – TFV8-T8 baby Coils

SMOK – TFV8-T8 baby Coils

Product Details

SMOK – TFV8-T8 baby Coils


SMOK – TFV8-T8 baby Coils

Out of stock


Smok V8-T8 coils are designed for high wattage, high VG vaping, and produce the awesome clouds and great flavor we expect from SMOK Tech. There are 4 different “barrels??? with each one loaded with a parallel coil. Running on 0.15 ohms, these coils will take your TFV8 Tank to new levels with the ability to reach 260W (Best performance is 120W-180W).